Everyone knows that running can help you to lose weight. But hardly anyone knows that jogging is the right way to lose weight. After reading this article, many people have noticed this type of improvement in their figure. is chosen, the reasons for the lack of desired results will become apparent.
benefits of running
By starting to go jogging, you will be providing an invaluable service to your body while filling it with health and strength:
- the blood will be saturated with oxygen;
- the heart and the entire vascular system will be strengthened;
- the bones will be strong;
- The lungs will increase in significant volume.
In the process of running, breathing and heart rate become more frequent, which speeds up the metabolic process and burns off excess fat. But you can lose weight with it only by doing it the right way.
One important point:Running for 15-20 minutes will not make your figure slim, although the healing effect will be obvious.
It is recommended to start running two to three times a week, gradually reaching a daily workout with two days off.
And don't use lifting material, especially for beginners. This type of equipment is primarily used by athletes to strengthen leg muscles and increase speed during competition.
So how do you need to run properly to improve your physical fitness?

types of jogging for weight loss
In order to better understand the effectiveness of a particular type of running, you need to understand the mechanism of body function under different loads:
- Light jogging forces the muscles to draw energy from the sugar (glycogen) stored in the liver. It is usually consumed within 40 minutes of such a load. Having breakfast after training, you do not lose weightcan, because the lost sugar will come back.
- Running for more than 1 hour begins to reduce body fat. Externally, it is determined by heavy breathing and fatigue.
- If you run for more than 1 hour 15 minutes, the protein starts to supply energy, which reduces muscle mass.
- During light running and brisk running alternate with walking, a powerful process of fat breakdown begins.
At the same time, there is a certain pattern - a person with a larger body mass burns more calories.
This shows that you need to jog for an hour to lose weight, but not more than 1 hour 15 minutes or at intervals.
About interval running
This type is more suitable for busy people who do not have the opportunity to devote an hour to training. It consists in alternating brisk running and recovery walking. With such loads, some processes in the body beginwhich burns the fat stores.
It only takes half an hour to do it. The program consists of 4 phases:
- The first 100 meters of walking are done at a brisk pace, which helps prepare the body for the load.
- For the next 100 meters, go on a light run, adjusting your breathing.
- Then you need to run the same distance at maximum speed.
- And again go jogging, restore breath.
Repeat all steps for 30 minutes.
Necessary:At the end of the workout over the next 6 hours, the human body continues to lose extra pounds.
About easy running (jogging)
One recommendation for beginners is not to run a high-speed marathon right away. The best way to start your workout is by walking slowly with a gradual transition to running. You can do lunges, squats and jumps while running. Some techniques should be followed:
- Breathe in through the nose and exhale through the mouth evenly and measuredly;
- Keep your back straight by gazing forward;
- the knees are slightly bent, which will reduce the stress on the joints;
- The arms are bent at the elbows and move along the body.
A little advice for women: on "critical days" if you feel unwell, don't overwork yourself. Two days off won't hurt.

about nutrition
This is also a very important topic as far as nutrition while running is concerned. The goal is to maintain energy at the proper level and prevent the toxic effects of lactic acid along with ketone bodies.
Since we consider running as a means of losing weight, it is allowed to eat it no later than half an hour before training.
before training
At the same time, you should not resort to cereals and legumes, potatoes and eggplant, mushrooms and cabbage, as well as spinach with radishes. Do not eat fatty and fried things.
In order to relieve the kidneys, blood vessels and heart from excessive load, fluid intake should also be limited. The maximum recommended dosage is a glass of water or sweet tea half an hour before jogging. But while running, you need to drink in sips. is - from 2 to 3 in every 2 km.
after running
At the end of the workout, you need to replenish the spent carbohydrates with a glass of tomato, apple, grape or citrus juice.
After about 20 - 40 minutes (time is individual, but not earlier and not later), you can eat without overeating and without leaning on heavy meals.
best time to run
And, of course, one cannot fail to say about the best time to train for losing weight. In order to make the right choice, you need to know the following:
- In the morning, the human body lacks carbohydrates, from which it takes energy for training from body fat. In such a situation, you should run on an empty stomach.
- Running in the evening helps to burn the energy accumulated during the day, thereby melting the fat. This is especially true for office workers who are forced to sit at the computer all the time. To lose weight at leastIt is best to run after eating a light meal after at least an hour. And drink low-fat kefir or eat an apple before bedtime.
As you can see, you can run for weight loss at any time convenient for you - the main thing is right.

Who should not jog
It is not recommended to start running for people with health problems such as:
- high blood pressure (hypertension);
- heart disease and coronary heart disease;
- deformed vertebrae;
- stomach ulcers and varicose veins;
- myopia;
- Diseases of the endocrine system and bronchial asthma.
In addition, you can not train in an acute state for any diseases and inflammatory processes. Recent surgery or injuries are also contraindications for running.
Armed with all this knowledge, you can safely do this fascinating type of physical education. The process will be even more enjoyable if you invite a friend or friend to run.